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I do (web)design and art direction for a living

I do (web)design and art direction for a living

I do (web)design and art direction for a living

Because i'm passionate at making the interwebs a more beautiful and intuitive place

Because i'm passionate at making the interwebs a more beautiful and intuitive place

Because i'm passionate at making the interwebs a more beautiful and intuitive place

I aim to engage and inform people through digital stories. I have over 10 years of experience in combining words and images to create immersive experiences. You can think of visual identities and everything that stems from it: landing pages, social media kits, interfaces, infographics, animations, and illustrations.

Currently, I'm conjuring up digital awesomeness for Pointer. In recent years I have developed in the field of journalism, while coming from the design and advertising world.

And whenever I get the chance I love to join hackathons that explore new tech-trends and innovations.

I like design how I like my friends <3

I like design how I like my friends <3

I like design how I like my friends <3

Friendly, remarkable, and responsive. I've been designing for over a decade now, honing my skills in web design, animation, and illustration. Adobe AI, AE, PS, and Figma are my favorite tools to create magic. In recent years I have gained experience in art direction, web development, storytelling, writing and user experience design.

Those skills may sound diverse, but I believe that designing for the web also demands a creator to be versatile, or at least know how to collaborate with all those disciplines.

You can swipe through a selection of projects here, linking to their external sites.

You can swipe through a selection of projects here, linking to their external sites.

You can swipe through a selection of projects here, linking to their external sites.

Come and
party with
me at

ETH Prague '23
ETH Lisboa '23

Buildspace N&Ws '22
ETH Online
HackFS '22
Hackmoney '22
ETH Amsterdam '22

Come and
party with
me at

ETH Prague '23
ETH Lisboa '23

Buildspace N&Ws '22
ETH Online
HackFS '22
Hackmoney '22
ETH Amsterdam '22

Come and
party with
me at

ETH Prague '23
ETH Lisboa '23

Buildspace N&Ws '22
ETH Online
HackFS '22
Hackmoney '22
ETH Amsterdam '22

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<( ̄︶ ̄)/'

<( ̄︶ ̄)/'

Hit me up if you want to get in touch

Hit me up if you want to get in touch

Hit me up
if you want to get in touch